Tuesday, February 2, 2016

James White's confusion on Riplinger's "acrostic algebra"

James White (The King James Only Controversy) has been very upset for over 20 years now that Dr. Gail Riplinger claims that God gave her the idea for acrostic algebra. Why is he so upset? He is a Calvinist that believes man does not have a freewill and that God directly makes every single thing happen the way it does--so how could Mrs. Riplinger's acrostic algebra not be from God?

Besides, the King James Bible Only position does not hang on the accuracy of New Age Versions.

Which Bible is God's Word? is actually my favorite Riplinger book, I highly recommend it.

For the LORD is good; his mercy is everlasting; and his truth endureth to all generations. (Ps. 100:5)


  1. How many times has Riplinger been divorced now?

    1. She has been divorced twice and was on her third husband, Michael, until he died about nine years ago. Both of her divorces, according to Ohio public records, were outside biblical guidelines. She abandoned her second husband to marry her third husband. This is why she lied about ever being married before when D.A. Waite asked her about her divorces.

    2. What does divorce have to do with the KJB issue? True, I might not would take marriage counseling from her, but that does not mean she does not have useful information on the King James Bible. Like with any author, we can "eat the meat and spit out the bones".

  2. Is it true that Riplinger has been divorced several times?


Your questions or comments welcome.