Wednesday, August 5, 2015

John Davis's reply to posts

John Davis just emailed me the following message. It doesn't look like the scriptures provided in Part 1 were of any help to him:

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: John Davis <>
Date: Wed, Aug 5, 2015 at 5:08 PM
Subject: RE: Warning: "Time for Truth" fake ministry and plagiarism
To: Hoss Cartwright <>

You poor kid!  Obviously my expose on you really made you spit out your dummy & kick the slats out of your pram!

I expected you to wet your nappy when you read my article on you, but how you can justify wasting so much time amazes me!  Incredible!  How many tracts did you give out today, yesterday, this year???

I’m shipping 10,000 Rapture tracts out to the USA next week to a guy who has a love for the lost, pity you don't!

Think how many souls you could have reached with the Gospel (if you knew ‘which’ one I suppose!) but instead you sit at home harbouring bitterness & resentment, thinking you are somebody (Gal 6v3), when all you are is just another jumped up punk kid!  Very sad!  

Sadly you are a failure when it comes to LIVING the Christian life, but you are a product of your unscriptural cult-church & I guess your parents also must take some responsibility!

To think what you are doing with your life... even after a tragedy!!! I doubt the Lord is pleased with you sitting at home on your computer in your comfortable surroundings while the whole world is racing to Hell, but that is all hyper-diapers do all day, as none of them have any urgency to reach the lost.

You’re in a mini-cult & can’t see it fella.  Shame, because you have a little potential.

Oh well, you will stand before the Lord very soon & you’ll have to give an account to HIM not me.  That is where you will find the ‘rubber hits the road!’  I guess what YOU call Christian ‘work’ will suddenly become a bonfire… & THEN, you will realise what a wasted life you lived!

All the best fella…

Keep checking back on our website as you’ll be exposed AGAIN in the next newsletter!  Us Bible Believers must warn Christians about you mini-cultists!  We only have a few over her in the UK thank God.  I also thank God your blog is very seldom read & very few have subscribed!  Every heretic must justify their existence I guess!!!

Try give a few tracts out tomorrow if you can son!  Try to play the man, rather than just a spotty jumped up punk kid!

Sad. I almost wonder if he has a mental condition, because he keeps calling me "kid" as if he was some old man when he is only in his 40's. His oratory skills seem to be at a 3rd grade reading level and doesn't seem to act like an adult. He also claims that I do not give out enough tracts when he has never even met me and does not know me at all. He says that I am harboring bitterness and anger when he is the only one that sounds and acts angry.

He said that my parents are to blame for my theological beliefs when they are not the ones that taught me. He said the church I attend is a cult church when it is just a Independent Fundamental King James Bible believing church.

He also told me that I wasted time for writing these warnings against his ministry when he was the one that sent me an email asking for my testimony and then wrote and plagiarized an article to attack my beliefs in regards to prayer and salvation. But somehow this whole thing is my fault? Wow.... and if it is a "waste of time" why does he promise to right a counter refute in his news letter? Wouldn't that be a waste of time for him? I think John Davis just likes to fuss.

And the following comments I have no idea what he is talking about:

"I’m shipping 10,000 Rapture tracts out to the USA next week to a guy who has a love for the lost, pity you don't!" (Is he telling me to order 10,000 tracts from him? That wouldn't be cheap and neither would overseas shipping, so I'll stick with my American tracts. As for his comment about me not loving the lost, I have no idea what he is talking about. John Davis and I have never met nor do we know each other.)

"I expected you to wet your nappy when you read my article on you" (What article? The article in question is from almost a year ago.)

"you sit at home harbouring bitterness & resentment, thinking you are somebody" (Um, is that sarcasm? Anyone who reads your articles knows that you are the only who is bitter. Not sure where you got the idea that I thought I was somebody. I have certainly never stated or implied such.)

"Sadly you are a failure when it comes to LIVING the Christian life" (Says the guy that does not know me and has never met me)

"To think what you are doing with your life... even after a tragedy" (Tragedy? I have no idea what this means.)

"that is all hyper-diapers do all day, as none of them have any urgency to reach the lost....We only have a few over her in the UK thank God.  " (Mr. Davis only knows a "few" "hypers" yet he is making general statements about "all" of them? All the ones I know of pass out tracts, have Bible schools, street preach, preach on the radio, support missionaries, and go to the mission field. There are thousands of Grace churches in the Philippines, India, and China. I am not sure where John Davis got the idea that we do not try and reach the lost. Again, this is ironic since John Davis's ministry is called "Time for Truth" yet none of what he is saying is remotely true.)

"Shame, because you have a little potential." (Potential for what? To be like you? I sure hope not! LOL.)

John Davis likes to talk about what "hypers" believe, but his bold statements are rarely backed up with facts and documentation.

And seriously, why is John Davis always talking about diapers? He sounds like a 10 year old kid in school.

Proverbs 12:
[17] He that speaketh truth sheweth forth righteousness: but a false witness deceit.
[18] There is that speaketh like the piercings of a sword: but the tongue of the wise is health.
[19] The lip of truth shall be established for ever: but a lying tongue is but for a moment

Proverbs 15:
[1] A soft answer turneth away wrath: but grievous words stir up anger.
[2] The tongue of the wise useth knowledge aright: but the mouth of fools poureth out foolishness
[3] The eyes of the LORD are in every place, beholding the evil and the good.
[4] A wholesome tongue is a tree of life: but perverseness therein is a breach in the spirit

Proverbs 21:23 Whoso keepeth his mouth and his tongue keepeth his soul from troubles.

Please continue to pray for John Davis. --Eli Caldwell

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