Thursday, April 24, 2014

Herb Evans King James Scoreboard

 Used by permission of Dr. Herb Evans. Thanks Herb.

The King James Only Crowd

1. certain rude, crude, and lewd;
2. certain overzealous zealots;
3. certain flawed arguments;
4. certain bitter polemics;
5. certain unanswered questions;
6. certain questionable doctrines;
7. certain unethical behavior;
8. certain divorced brethren;
9. certain matters of concubines;
10. certain liars and kooks;
11. certain misspellers;
12. certain hyperdispensationalist;
13. certain interdenominationalist;
14. certain Briders;
15. certain super- and non-soul winners;
16. no original manuscripts;
17. more than six editions;
a. spelling variations;
b. grammar variations;
c. word variations;
d. non-word for word translational variants,
e. variations from the original koine Greek
18. history, scholarship, and men's traditions are no authority;

19. scriptural quotations are sufficient to resolve the issue;
20. use scriptural terminology and positional proof-texts;
21. preserved His inspired word

The TR Only (and worse) Crowd

1. certain rude, crude, and lewd;
2. certain overzealous zealots;
3. certain flawed arguments;
4. certain bitter polemics;
5. certain unanswered questions;
6. certain questionable doctrines;
7. certain unethical behavior;
8. certain divorced brethren;
9. certain matters of concubines;
10. certain liars and kooks;
11. certain misspellers;
12. certain hyperdispensationalist;
13. certain interdenominationalist;
14. certain Briders;
15. certain super- and non-soul winners;
16. no original manuscripts;
17. more than six editions;
a. spelling variations;
b. grammar variations;
c. word variations;
d. non-word for word translational variants,
e. variations from the original koine Greek
18.history, scholarship, and men's traditions are the only authority;
19. scriptural quotations are not sufficient to resolve the issue;
20. use extra-scriptural terminology and no clear positional proof-texts;
21. men preserved God's uninspired word (almost)

1 comment:

  1. Is it correct that Herb Evans originally wrote this in 1990? The same material is also contained on another website explaining that it was. FWIW, I'm trying to track the first usage of the terminology "TR Only," thanks.


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