
Monday, September 18, 2023

Human evolution crumbles again: early hominins newly discovered in Turkey

“The discovery of an ancient ape skull may challenge the long-held belief that the ancestors of apes and humans came from Africa, a controversial new study says.

The partial skull of the ape, called an Anadoluvius turkae, was found in Cankiri, Turkey, and appears to date back to 8.7 million years ago, Live Science reported.

Meanwhile early hominins, which include humans, the African apes, and their fossil ancestors, are not seen in Africa until around seven million years ago.

The discovery challenges the widely-held view that the ancestors of African apes and humans originated exclusively in Africa.

Researchers say that this suggests that hominins might have first evolved in Europe before migrating to Africa.”

The article starts off by saying, “The discovery of an ancient ape skull may challenge the long-held belief that the ancestors of apes and humans came from Africa.” May challenge? Well it certainly does challenge it. We are talking about an over 20% difference in the timeline and a completely different part of the world. Yet those who hold to evolutionary theory are so certain of the accuracy of their dating methods. So if the skull (by their dating methods) is truly 8.7 millions old, how could this not definitely challenge the long held belief that humans evolved first in Africa? The full article (see here ) says, “Not all scientists are convinced by the theory” and that this is “controversial”. Why is it controversial? If the dating methods used by secular scientists are so accurate then why is this not convincing evidence that humans evolved first outside of Africa? It is controversial because it disagrees with the mainstream secular narrative of human evolution. If a fact or piece of evidence contradicts evolution, then they say the facts are wrong. But it is their dating methods that are contradicting their own narrative of human evolution. Neodarwinists cherry pick evidence even using their own dating methods to hold up their theories. 

The article goes on to say:

“This new evidence supports the hypothesis that hominins originated in Europe and dispersed into Africa along with many other mammals between nine and seven million years ago, though it does not definitively prove it.

In order to prove this, more fossils from Europe and Africa would need to be found from between seven and eight million years ago to try and find a link between the two groups, he added.” 

They say “more fossils” need to be found to prove the theory that humans evolved first outside of Africa. But if the one fossil truly is 8.7 million years old then why do they need more proof? They are leaving something out. For one fossil to not be “proof” enough, then that means they either do not have confidence in the dating method or they do not have confidence that the skull fragment is truly that of an ape. All it takes is 1 definite hominin and 1 definite date of 8.7 millions years to throw out the old theory, which is that early hominins originated in Africa 7 million years ago. 

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