
Wednesday, August 2, 2023

Is there a such thing as outer space? Responding to Flat Earthers

Flat Earth conspiracy theorists say that there is no such thing as “outer space”. This is no big deal. I could care not less what their conspiracy theories involve. 

The problem I have with the Flat Earthers is that they propose  that the Bible teaches all of their wild notions when it does not. Further, they accuse those who do not agree with their conspiracy theories as promoting Satanism, the Big Bang theory, Darwinian evolution, and many other terrible things. They also say we do not actually believe the Bible unless we believe the Earth is flat.

If they just kept their conspiracies to themselves this would be a non issue. Like I said, I really do not care what they think. But when they say that the Bible teaches their foolish notions, and it does not, it discredits the Bible to those that do not know any better (such as lost people that have not actually read the Bible). 

If Flat Earth people want to believe the Earth is flat, that is fine. But they should leave the Bible out of it. The Bible does not teach the Earth is flat. Every flat earth theorist knows this. I know they know this because I have not found any of them that actually learned it from the Bible. All the ones I know read the Bible dozens, scores, or hundreds of times over their lifetime and none of them believed it taught the Earth was flat. None of them thought this until the New Age agnostic, Eric Dubay, started making his YouTube videos on the Earth being flat about 10 years ago. After this, suddenly a lot of people started saying that the Bible taught this. So the Flat Earth conspiracy theory is not Biblical nor did the proponents of it get the idea from the Bible. They got it from YouTube and then went to the Bible to try to find verses to support it to strengthen the theory. The Flat Earth conspiracy theorists are tools of Satan in an attempt to discredit the Bible. 

Anyway, the Bible does not teach that space does not exist. In fact, it teaches that it does exist. 

We know outer space exists because of #1, Biblical evidence, and #2, physical evidence. 

#1 Biblical evidence. 

There is an “Open firmament” where the birds fly and the stars are (Gen. 1:8, 1:14-15, 1:20; Ps. 19:1).

There are three heavens in the Bible (2 Cor. 12:2). Presumably if the third one is where God is, then the 1st heaven should be the open firmament where the birds fly (Gen. 1:20). So would the second heaven not be outer space? 

The third heaven is in “the north” (Isa. 14:13). And the north is said to be “over the EMPTY place”. Job 26:7 “He stretcheth out the north over the empty place, and hangeth the earth upon nothing.” An empty place would imply outer space. Further, the verse says that the Earth is hung upon “nothing”. Nothing would be empty SPACE. Psalms 104:2 says, “Who coverest thyself with light as with a garment: who stretchest out the heavens like a curtain:”. So the heavens, the “empty place” is being stretched “OUT”. Sounds like OUTER SPACE from the Biblical evidence. 

#2 Physical evidence. Look outside at night and you can see the stars. What do you see between the stars? A lot of black, empty, SPACE. Hence the term “outer space”. Look with binoculars or a telescope and you will see a whole lot more empty SPACE. This one is a no brainer. You can literally walk outside and see space. That is no conspiracy. That is no NASA propaganda. That has nothing to do with the Big Bang theory. It is an observable fact. Any Flat Earther that can not see this is not exercising common sense at this point.


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