
Tuesday, August 29, 2023

Flat Earth Double Standards

There are many thousands of pictures of the Earth and other objects in space that have been taken from our atmosphere and space by satellites, balloons, the International Space Station, space telescopes, and spacecraft. Flat Earthers say that all of these independent sources have all been “lying” by providing fake pictures for decades and are some how all in collusion with the National Aeronautics and Space Administration to trick people into thinking the Earth is round (even though the Earth being round has been the prevailing thought for thousands of years before NASA was founded in 1958). 

But this Flat Earthers wants a picture from NASA of an upside down ship as if he would believe it if he saw it. Not only is this a double standard, but it is also lacking in intelligent thought process. Any picture taken from a satellite pointing down at Earth is going to be an aerial image of a ship on top of water such as this…

As far as ships are concerned, what the Flat Earthers should be worried about are the pictures and videos of the bottoms of ships disappearing before the top as they move into the horizon due to the curvature of the Earth. 

It is dishonest of this Flat Earther to act like he would believe the picture from NASA if he saw it. But Flat Earthers are not known for their honesty. 

And as far as his reference to the gospel at the end, that is great. But this particular Flat Earther almost always presents the Flat Earth conspiracy theory with the gospel in the same post, as if the two things are related. You could believe the gospel and be saved and think the Earth is a triangle, square, or hexagon. Why do Flat Earth Christians combine the Flat Earth conspiracy theory and the gospel in the same posts? The Flat Earth conspiracy has become an idol and false religion; it stems from the teaching of the New Age queer Eric Dubay. 

Just a brief look through any Christian Flat Earther’s YouTube and social media material, you will see that they place the Flat Earth conspiracy and the gospel in the same post. You will never see a Christian that believes the Earth is round presenting the gospel with the Earth being round. That is because the two things are unrelated and should not be mixed. Yet it is the Flat Earthers that accuse us of “worshipping the Luciferean Ball”. While in fact we hardly ever even talk about the shape of the Earth. And if we do talk about it, it is in response to one of them bring up their conspiracy theory. We are not the ones with the agenda to tell everyone about what shape we think the Earth is, they are. 

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